How Faith Impacts Me as a Business Owner

Hello! I'm Noemi, the owner of Dear Heart Signs. Together with my husband, we create statement signage for life's heartfelt moments, and we've had the joy of working together full-time since 2015. While I'd like to say that stepping into entrepreneurship was a random accident due to life’s circumstances, I firmly believe that our journey bears the hand of God! It's a journey filled with purpose, and I'm grateful to be part of a story that is both unique and unexpected.

I was born into the church. My dad is a pastor, so I grew up deeply involved and active in the church, which greatly influenced my understanding of God. However, it wasn’t until my 20s that I truly had my own personal encounter with Jesus. I began experiencing seasons of chronic illness along with severe anxiety, which led me into a period of wrestling with God and my faith. Honestly, every plan and idea of what I thought life would be like was just thrown out the window. But what emerged from that has been an exciting roller coaster ride of creativity, trust, hope, and adventure! It's a journey made even more exciting by the knowledge that I get to experience the ups and downs with the Lord beside me. Thankfully, He is our partner in this ride and the creator and engineer of it all, knowing the turns that lie ahead.

This leads me to one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned, both in life and entrepreneurship: that…

With God, no season is wasted.

Looking back at my childhood, a few things stand out: I truly enjoyed writing letters, drawing, and connecting with people. Perhaps that's why I was so actively involved in numerous activities within and outside of the church—sports, music, youth group, student government—you name it, I did it all. Yet, I never considered myself a “creative”—or at least, I didn’t give myself permission to think of myself that way. 

As a perfectionist and overachieving first daughter of immigrants who witnessed the financial challenges my parents faced, my sole focus was on making money to avoid financial struggles in life. I envisioned graduating from college with a finance degree, pursuing a high-paying career, and climbing the corporate ladder. However, my battle with anxiety and chronic health issues led me to Jesus in tears, crying out, “I surrender it all to you. I don’t want to do it my way anymore; it’s too hard.” I launched Dear Heart Signs in 2015, prompted by a season of inspiration and a compelling urge to “just be creative” after my life plan fell apart. It was liberating! At the time, I didn’t fully understand it, but God was sowing a new dream in my heart that He would envision and plan, using the seasons that brought me to this point to kickstart it. Although I didn’t earn a degree, my time in school taught me valuable lessons that would prove useful as Dear Heart Signs evolved into a business.

God gives, and God takes away, have faith anyway.

When asked, I'd call it my 'creative outlet.' A month after starting DHS, Tim proposed a crazy idea - 'Let’s run with this full-time.' Nervously and hesitantly, I said, 'Oookay.' He quit his job, and we were tasked with building a real business. One leap of faith after another, and within a year, our business and social media grew in ways we couldn’t have foreseen or imagined. Despite lacking any business experience, we worked diligently every day, treating it like a real job and trusting God with the rest.

The flexibility to work from home, creating a schedule that accommodated my health needs, and working alongside my husband every day was a blessing. For a long while, things consistently went up. Anxiety was rare; physically, I was thriving, bills were getting paid, investments were made, and it gave us so much freedom to be active in ministry. We were learning, growing, and thriving. I was beyond grateful every single day, and I truly felt like I was living the dream. I couldn't imagine doing anything else.

Then 2020 happened, but not in the way it did for most people. Towards the end of our highest-grossing and most profitable year, I fell ill again in November 2019. 'It's just the flu,' I would say. Despite feeling sick, I pushed my body beyond the limit to complete another successful holiday season. As we entered 2020, I wasn't getting any better, and I started having trouble swallowing and keeping food down. Things were going south fast, and I was losing weight rapidly (80 lbs total in a span of 4 months). In March of that year, I ended up hospitalized because my heart became too weak. This was right when the pandemic started, which meant I went into that hospital all alone without my husband or family.

The month I spent in the hospital alone was what I like to call the beginning of my 'refining fire' season. It was the start of a season that stripped away everything dear to me: my health, my appearance, my community, my business, and our income. As the business brain behind it all, everything stopped if I stopped. Everything. As much as I wished that coming back home would mean going back to work, it was only the beginning of the hardest years of my life. Learning how to eat again and facing my fear of eating was a torturous, slow process. During this time, I learned to depend on God fully, and His every word sustained me and kept me going, even when it seemed like all was lost.

I often wondered if this would be the end of DHS, if I'd ever recover, and if it would ever be over. Without clear answers, the song of my heart was, '

I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong, take heart, and wait for the Lord. Psalm 27:13

One thing I can tell you is that even though we didn’t work that entire year, every bill was paid. We didn’t lack a single thing.

With God, We can always discover new beginnings

With God, we can always start again. And again. And again. He will pave the path for you.

Like Paul says,

I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well-fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:11-13

Starting over can be exciting! and in case you’re wondering…You don’t always have to be ready. We weren’t ready when we started our business the first time around, and I definitely wasn’t ready at the end of 2020 after a year off. Starting over the second time, I was tempted to doubt myself and all we had previously accomplished. There were moments when I genuinely wondered if we could do it again a second time. It was crucial for me to keep perspective and be reminded of the truth that God was the source of all that we accomplished, and He is trustworthy of our faith. If the door was open once more for us to continue our journey as entrepreneurs, we could walk through that door again with hope and be confident that growth was inevitable.

In our comeback year, Dear Heart Signs truly transformed into a new business. After a personal year of refinement, it felt as if DHS went through its own year of refinement! We rebranded and got a new website, and our brand’s message and purpose became clearer than ever before. No longer being caught up by the craziness of “growth” and meeting financial goals, we discovered a new definition of success. This time around, we began to grow our team and eventually moved into our very own shop in Orange. A new beginning was exactly what we needed.

I have also learned how important it is to keep God at the center of it all. Before falling ill, the thought of losing my business would terrify me. I love my business, and I love what I do. As an entrepreneur, I’ll be the first to admit that our businesses can quickly become idols we worship for security. All businesses will inevitably face abundant and dry seasons, but with God at the center, we can stand firm in every season because we depend on Him to meet our every need. If the time ever came to close the doors to Dear Heart Signs, my heart would have resolved to trust that God would already have prepared the next phase in my journey for me. When God is in control, how can I not be excited?

Creativity Never Runs Out

If God has called you to creativity, dive in without hesitation because His presence within you means your potential knows no bounds. Your journey is filled with infinite opportunities waiting to be explored. One of my favorite ways of spending time with God is admiring His creation. When I see a gorgeous sunset or all the beautiful trees and plants on my daily walks, the ocean, the mountains, and the beautiful people I get to see in my everyday life, both in person and online, I’m just always so in awe of God’s handiwork.

Reflecting on the truth that we are made in God’s image and that He has entrusted us with His wisdom and knowledge that created this earth and every living being in it gives me the confidence to create. I want to face the future with an open heart, knowing that as long as I keep pursuing creativity, it will never run out. There's always more to explore, more inspiration to draw from, and endless opportunities to learn and grow.

In a world dominated by social media, where comparison often leads to feelings of inadequacy, I've discovered how important it is to shift my focus intentionally. Rather than fixating on how I measure up against others, I choose to concentrate on the difference I want my brand and products to make in people's lives. By centering my efforts on bringing joy and positivity to others, I find that inspiration naturally flows, unrestricted by self-doubt or comparison.

Purpose over Success

What does success mean to you? Have you ever paused to reflect on what success really means?

If you were to ask me about any of the defining points in my journey, I think my answer would vary depending on when you asked me. Sometimes it was just about making money, other times, it was more about having a lifestyle that fit me perfectly. But these days, success for me is all about making a real difference in the lives of the people around me.

I’m trying to say that who you are today is not who you will be tomorrow, but who you choose to be today will make a difference. You will face both good and hard things that are designed to grow you, mature you, and give you a purpose. All those things will happen as needed, based on God’s timeline and will. As you evolve, success will continue to be redefined.

However, regardless of what tomorrow will look like, we can choose to walk intentionally and purposefully today. Many of us start businesses on a whim, to bring home some extra income, or because our life circumstances require us to. While that is great, I've learned that real success comes when we're doing something bigger than just making money. It's about putting our hearts into everything we do and making sure it's making a positive difference in the world.

Practically, this may look like using your platform to give God the glory through your testimony, through the way you serve your customers, and through your creative process. As faith-based entrepreneurs, we share the privilege and responsibility of showing the world what a God-led business looks like. By pursuing purpose over success, we discover opportunities to find true fulfillment, create impact, share authentically, and leave a meaningful legacy. If you are unsure of what this looks like for you and your business, I encourage you to meet God in prayer and ask Him for vision.


As I reflect on my entrepreneurial journey, I'm reminded and encourage you to know that with God, no season is wasted. Every setback is an opportunity for growth, and every challenge is a chance for new beginnings. Through the highs and lows of entrepreneurship, keeping God at the center will always be the best decision, trusting in His guidance and provision. Creativity never runs out when we tap into the endless inspiration that comes from our Creator. So, as you navigate the unpredictable journey of life and business, remember to prioritize purpose over success. Let's use our platforms, our businesses, and our creativity to glorify God and make a positive impact in the world. Always trust that with God, anything is possible.

Ways to connect with Noemi:

Instagram/Tiktok: @dearheartsigns    

Let’s Talk Dear Heart Prayer Sessions for Business Owners: April 7th, 2024 @ 4 pm PST

Noemi Sandoval

Noemi is the owner of Dear Heart Signs. Together with her husband, she has been creating statement signage for life's heartfelt moments since 2015.

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