Remember What God Said

A couple of months ago I attended a women’s conference that was one of those “this is a line in the sand” kind of experiences. God met me in such an unexpectedly personal and communicative way. I actually was one of the speakers and, so I naively went into the weekend thinking of only what I would contribute and not expecting to receive much from God at all. Pero amigas, if there is anything that is true of our God it is that He is generous, He loves us and He wants us to be free. There was so much goodness and resoluteness in my Spirit to leave the conference different and STAY different. 

I am not sure if you have ever had this kind of mountaintop experience when your mind, heart and soul have been so impacted and all you can think is - this is it - I am never going back! Back can mean a number of things like a mindset, habit, relationship, or idolizing something; you get it. However, after years of walking with God and countless conferences and retreats, I know that while immediate and lasting transformational experiences do happen, and have happened to me, more often than not, the mountaintop does not last forever. I have often woken up one day to feel not only like I was no longer on the mountaintop but I could not remember what I heard when I was there.

Instead of inflicting shame and disappointment on myself for not being more stalwart and unfazed by life, I decided while I was still reveling in my mountaintop Lydia experience that I would help out future valley experience Lydia. I would remind myself to hopefully clear the fog of uncertainty that can come with trials.

There have been times when I have written notes on my phone or journaled prayers and testimonies that have been helpful to return to. This time though, I started recording voice notes of encouragement while they were fresh on my mind and heart. I have already had occasion to replay these voice notes, and there is something in my inflections, in how I speak boldly and assuredly to myself that is a balm and a much-needed reminder that although the darkness and doubt enveloping me feels like all there is, it is not. Hearing these words spoken back to me has been powerful. God’s words over me, no matter how long ago they were spoken, are powerful enough to meet me where I am. Hearing these words months later has been like a powerful wind blowing away the dark clouds of lies and despair. 

Revelation 12:11 says that they triumphed over him by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony. Your own testimony can be the one that helps you to overcome.  Have you testified to yourself? Have you reminded yourself of God’s faithfulness in your life? Have you recounted the moments of redemption, the healing, the provision, the reconciliation, the protection? Have you recorded testimonies and reminders full of faith, freedom, and encouragement to revive yourself when life is “lifing’? Amiga, I encourage you not only to make a record of these things but to take them out and be reminded as much as is needed.


Living with Childlike Faith